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Let Go of Perfection

Procrastination begins when you stop.

*Pause for profound silence*



I don’t get things right. I barely know how to make a podcast, but I’m doing it and thousands of victims tune in regardless. Your weight loss journey is similar. You may not have the perfect strategy but you just gotta start if you want to see results. Here are two keys that help:


1. Drop perfectionism

You’re probably not gonna get everything right the first time, kind of like sex (am I right?), but you just throw yourself in there and figure it out. Maybe your portion sizes are too small… Ummm… drop the sex analogy now… Maybe your first eating plan is too starch heavy. What if you fail?

I tried to find the perfect plan many times but kept tripping up. Yet after every trip, I learnt.

You need to get into a calorie deficit.

Once you start to cut down your calorie density you can figure out the details. You're going to see a lot of people doing things that 'WORK' for them like exact ratios of food, meal timing, not eating after 7pm... It's overwhelming knowing EXACTLY where to start, and you WONT, until you TRY!!
Even if your starting point is just eating 1 vegetable a day, do THAT. You can figure out ALL the details later.


2. Be consistent

Now that you’ve started, keep going. To summarise human behavioural experts have discovered about habit change: Make it easy, make it simple.

Make it easy: Keep it small and doable. Don’t push a rock up a hill. Roll it down the lusty smooth grass embankments.

Make it simple: Keep it basic so there are fewer barriers to cross. There is no point in making a 12-step daily routine that requires a calculator and spreadsheet.

Once you set up some basic habits you can adjust as you go. Tweak. Tweak. Tweak. Add more vegetables, eat BETTER foods at night, remove binge triggers from your home. How will you do this if you're sitting in an armchair scrolling Insta's leanest gym shark models?

Just start already!

Disclaimer: You may fail, but failure isn’t bad, it’s the key to progress. In an age where we hand out medals for trying an no one truly wins, we forsake the gift of failure. Learning to fail is an artform that helps us learn gracefully. Just be cause you fail, it doesn't make you a failure... it makes you a student. *insert another profound pause here*

Now that you're failing all over the place... keep doing it. Be consistent in your habit formations and get back on that horse (vegans can say that right?)


3. There is no third point

Oh wait… Lean With Plants opens for 6 days from JANUARY 26TH Get your mojo into gear and jump on our waitlist (or wait on our jumplist). I’m tired. Bye.


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