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Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?

So, be honest, have you been wondering if eating fat is going to make you fat

I'm pretty sure most of the people who've been trying to lose weight think about this at some point in their journey. Weight loss is a process where you have to learn:

  • What is healthy and what is not
  • What is a calorie deficit
  • Which diet is the healthiest? 
  • And more things to have a healthy weight loss.

This is why in today's podcast, I talk about if eating fat makes you fat. So, if this sounds like something you want to know more about, check out the podcast now! 



So, Does a No-Fat Diet Exist?

There are no-fat diets, BUT...does a diet like this exist? Oats have 14% approximately of their calories coming from fat. 

During the process of losing weight, it is important to have enough fat on your diet! 10-20% of calories coming from fat is the perfect amount.

When you get the right amount of fat on your diet, you will keep losing weight. You...

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The right way to set goals in the New Year

Here we are 2021 *fingers crossed*! So what do you expect this year?


1. Expectations

Expectations are everything. On the 1st of January we shoot for the stars and predict blue skies, lottery wins and quiet kids (listed in order of likelihood).

Typically, I set HUGE goals at the begging of the year (like becoming a unicorn). Everyone does. Gyms max out their membership in January and are empty by February, but here’s the catch; Big goals mean nothing if you’re not moving toward them.

Let me harp on about this point: Progress is key. It’s not about going big or going home, grinding hard or maxing out your energy tank. It’s all about P R O G R E S S !!!

Let’s get analytical; It’s likely you have some big goals now, right? They lure you in, right? They feel great, right? But somewhere deep down you know you’ve failed already, right? Uhu?

Maybe not. Maybe you’re nailing it but most of us aren’t. That’s why defining small...

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3 ways to have more motivation

So you may not have all the world’s motivation. Here's a secret... no one does! So why are some people smashing it and you're not? 

1. Start Small

When you look at your fave Instagram model (which is undoubtedly me, ahem...) and compare yourself, you've already lost the battle.

YES be inspired but know that they're not more motivated than you, or tougher, or fitter, or sexier. They weren't born to succeed any more than you. They just started small. The motivation required for them to take the next step is the same motivation it takes for you to take the first small step.

This may be as simple as walking into the gym you've never ventured into. Just walking in. 21 days in a row. Then turning around and walking out. Try it!



2. Make a Ulysses Pact (Chelsea's Version)

In Greek fables Sirens (singing seductive mermaids not unlike Nicky Minaj) would tempt men into the sea and drown them.

Ulysses knew he only had enough blood for one head to function at...

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