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3 ways to have more motivation

So you may not have all the world’s motivation. Here's a secret... no one does! So why are some people smashing it and you're not? 

1. Start Small

When you look at your fave Instagram model (which is undoubtedly me, ahem...) and compare yourself, you've already lost the battle.

YES be inspired but know that they're not more motivated than you, or tougher, or fitter, or sexier. They weren't born to succeed any more than you. They just started small. The motivation required for them to take the next step is the same motivation it takes for you to take the first small step.

This may be as simple as walking into the gym you've never ventured into. Just walking in. 21 days in a row. Then turning around and walking out. Try it!



2. Make a Ulysses Pact (Chelsea's Version)

In Greek fables Sirens (singing seductive mermaids not unlike Nicky Minaj) would tempt men into the sea and drown them.

Ulysses knew he only had enough blood for one head to function at a time (yes I just said that), so he tied himself to his ships mast so as not to be overcome by temptation when he heard their rendition of "Say So".

Ulysses survived because he made a preventative decision when he was in his right mind. You can too. Tie yourself to a house free of snacks. When temptation hits you'll be laughing (or crying if you're anything like me).


3. Wake up on the right side of bed

Starting you day well helps A LOT. This can mean going to bed on time, having an alarm clock routine, or just getting your food ready ahead of time.

Being prepared is like taking a teaspoon of oil to induce your baby's birth during your last trimester (not recommended)... it makes it easier to follow through.

I've talked about meal planning before but this is meal prepping. Prep your meal so all you have to do is wake up, make your bed, feed your kids, tidy the house, check your socials, and eat your prepared meal. Easy huh?

Hmmmmm... Forget the social media part.


Action points

  1. Find a small change. Something easy
  2. Make a Ulysses Pact... set up a failsafe that you can't bypass.
  3. Prepare your day the day before. What are you going to eat and can you make it ahead of time?
  4. Feed your kids.

50% Complete

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